Art Workshops
Workshops are for all levels, suitable for groups or individuals, teenagers above 14 years old and adults. This set of workshops will increase the capacity of visual memory, will improve confidence in recognising art styles and will give the satisfaction in newly acquired skills.
Art Workshops are carried out in-person’ and online. Below is the description of the basic set. There are more programs developed for patients at mental health hospital and for general public during 2020-2021 with the support of Arts Council England and a-n: The Artists Information Company.
1. Art-Laboratory. Muscle Memory Exercise.
Experience: when drawing a participant can imagine or recollect different movements. It is a muscle memory exercise and evokes thoughts about relations between the hand muscles, active environment and feelings. Imprints of the work reflect the process in which a participant had been involved. Students are encouraged to use big pieces of paper roll.
2. Art-Publishing. Exercise for attention.
Audio/teacher Instruction will guide participants through a proactive process of filling a sketch book in order to develop creativity. Participants can work individually on separate books or together on one book. Sizes vires from A6 to A2, depends on participant skills and ambitions.
3. Art-Manufactury. Exercise for Visual Memory.
Two part-session. During the first part, participants will be given video and published catalogs for browsing. The second part will be a drawing session when participants will be drawing from memory recollection. Students are encouraged to produce many pictures.
4. Abstract Art workshop. Drawing, painting, 3D assemblages, collages from images and imagination.
The workshop will focus on developing the ability to build up skills on transforming 3D images into 2D artworks and vice versa.
5. Narrating through visuals. Speed-drawing class for building visual narration.
Participants of this workshop usually have a distant idea for developing a story for a small book. The structure of the workshop assists in creating a unique story through visualisation and minimal text.
6. Printmaking. Lino cut, mono prints, collagraph.
General and advanced technique in printmaking. Participants will be able to apply newly acquired skills for printmaking small, medium and larger projects.
Publication from speed drawing workshops Art-Manufactory. Please, click the link below:
Investigating Art Movements through Speed Drawing. Short publication.